Our Process

Our team’s process is organized to ensure that nothing “falls through the cracks.” From providing a solid pre-approval to requesting the necessary client documentation, we start the loan process with a strong foundation, eliminating issues down the road.

1. Say Hello

We start the process by discussing your home buying goals, getting you pre-qualified and presenting you with financing options. Be prepared to discuss your income, credit history and your overall economic situation.

2. Application

With help from your loan officer you will complete a loan application to start the process. This can be done in person or online.

3. Documents

You will need to provide your loan officer with all supporting documentation such as your most recent bank statements, w-2’s, paystubs and tax returns.

4. Appraisal

IHM teams with a licensed 3rd party appraiser to evaluate the home you are about to purchase. This is meant to assure you & us that the home you’re buying is worth the price being offered.

“Fantastic Experience! Very impressed with the care that went into my loan. The team at All Western is First Class!”


5. Underwriting

Our skilled team of Underwriters will review your file to ensure you qualify.

Underwriting is done in-house, which gives us full control over the transaction.

6. Conditional Approval

Congrats, you’ve been approved with conditions.

Your processor will work on getting these conditions cleared which may require additional information from you.

7. Final Underwriting

The underwriter reviews your loan once more to verify all conditions have been met. Once the loan is clear to close your processor orders your loan documents.

“Amazing company, excellent services! Incredible leadership throughout the company.”


8. Closing

It’s time to sign! Once your signed loan documents are received by our in-house funding department, they will review the documents one last time and condition for any additional information needed (missed signatures, receipt of funds to close, etc.) When closing conditions have been met, our funding department gives escrow the authorization to record & disburse.


Once your loan has recorded you will get the keys to your new home!